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Elsie Inglis - The Woman with the Torch by Eva Shaw McLaren
page 77 of 118 (65%)
when her bitter hour of trial came, Serbia stood alone."

The Scottish Women's Hospitals at Mladanovatz, Lazaravatz, and Valjevo
had to be evacuated in an incredibly short time. The women from
Mladanovatz and Lazaravatz came down to Kraguevatz, where Dr. Inglis
was. After a few days they had again to move further south to
Krushevatz. From here they broke into two parties, some joining the
great retreat and coming home through Albania. The rest stayed behind
with Dr. Inglis and Dr. Hollway to nurse the Serbian wounded and
prisoners in Krushevatz.

"If the committee could have seen Colonel Gentitch's face when I
said to him that we were not going to move again, but that they
could count on us just where we stood, I think they would have been

writes Dr. Inglis.

At Krushevatz both Units, Dr. Inglis's and Dr. Hollway's, worked
together at the Czar Lazar Hospital under the Serbian Director, Major
Nicolitch. It was here they were taken prisoners by the Germans in

"These months at Krushevatz were a strange mixture of sorrow and
happiness. Was the country really so very beautiful, or was it the
contrast to all the misery that made it evident? There was a
curious exhilaration in working for those grateful, patient men,
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