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Phineas Redux by Anthony Trollope
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XLI. "I hope I'm not distrusted"
XLII. Boulogne
XLIII. The Second Thunderbolt
XLIV. The Browborough Trial
XLV. Some Passages in the Life of Mr. Emilius
XLVI. The Quarrel
XLVII. What Came of the Quarrel
XLVIII. Mr. Maule's Attempt
XLIX. Showing What Mrs. Bunce Said to the Policeman
L. What the Lords and Commons Said about the Murder
LI. "You think it shameful"
LII. Mr. Kennedy's Will
LIII. None But the Brave Deserve the Fair
LIV. The Duchess Takes Counsel
LV. Phineas in Prison
LVI. The Meager Family
LVII. The Beginning of the Search for the Key and the Coat
LVIII. The Two Dukes
LIX. Mrs. Bonteen
LX. Two Days Before the Trial
LXI. The Beginning of the Trial
LXII. Lord Fawn's Evidence
LXIII. Mr. Chaffanbrass for the Defence
LXIV. Confusion in the Court
LXV. "I hate her!"
LXVI. The Foreign Bludgeon
LXVII. The Verdict
LXVIII. Phineas after the Trial
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