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Modern Skepticism: A Journey Through the Land of Doubt and Back Again - A Life Story by Joseph Barker
page 26 of 547 (04%)

How happened this? And how happened it that, after having wandered so
far away, I was permitted to return to my present happy position?

These two questions I shall endeavor, to the best of my ability, to



How came I to wander into doubt and unbelief?

1. There are several causes of skepticism and infidelity. One is vice.
When a man is bent on forbidden pleasures, he finds it hard to believe
in the truth and divinity of a religion that condemns his vicious
indulgences. And the longer he persists in his evil course, the darker
becomes his understanding, the more corrupt his tastes, and the more
perverse his judgment; until at length he "puts darkness for light, and
light for darkness; calls evil good and good evil, and mistakes bitter
for sweet, and sweet for bitter." He becomes an infidel. It is the
decree of Heaven that men who persist in seeking pleasure in
unrighteousness, shall be given up to strong delusions of the devil to
believe a lie.

2. But there are other causes of skepticism and unbelief besides vice.
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