Practical Forestry in the Pacific Northwest - Protecting Existing Forests and Growing New Ones, from the Standpoint of the Public and That of the Lumberman, with an Outline of Technical Methods by Edward Tyson Allen
page 24 of 160 (15%)
page 24 of 160 (15%)
deals. In other words, the board should not be political, but
appointment by the Governor should be restricted to responsible representatives nominated by the interests most familiar with forest management, such as state forest schools, lumbermen's associations, forest fire associations, conservation associations and the resident Federal forest service. 2. A trained state forester, wholly independent of politics. Executive ability and practical forest knowledge should be considered essential, also scientific training. He should have one or more assistants of his own appointing. 3. A liberally supported forest fire service, in which the state forester has ample latitude in coöperation, financial and otherwise, with all other agencies in the same work. 4. A systematic study of forest conditions to afford basis of both intelligent administration and desirable further legislation. 5. A system for active general popular education, with specific advice to individuals in proper forest management. 6. Application of forestry principles to the management of state-owned forest lands and the purchase of cut or burned over land better suited for state than for private forestry. This is to furnish educative examples of conservative management as well as to maintain state revenue and proper forest conditions. 7. Improvement and strict enforcement of laws against fire and trespass, with penalty for neglect to enforce them by any officer |