Practical Forestry in the Pacific Northwest - Protecting Existing Forests and Growing New Ones, from the Standpoint of the Public and That of the Lumberman, with an Outline of Technical Methods by Edward Tyson Allen
page 5 of 160 (03%)
page 5 of 160 (03%)
and Carrying Charges. Rate of Growth. Probable Financial Returns.
Hardwood Experiments. CHAPTER IV. FORESTRY AND THE FIRE HAZARD The Slashing Menace. Brush Piling. Slash Burning. Fire Lines. Spark Arrestors. Patrol. Associate Effort. Young Growth as a Fire Guard. CHAPTER V. FORESTRY AND THE FARMER Cutting Methods on the Wooded Farm. Best Use of Poor Forest Land. The Handling of Fire in Clearing. Planting on Treeless Farms. Species Most Promising for Fuel and Improvement Material. Windbreaks to Prevent Evaporation of Soil Moisture. Methods and Cost of Tree Growing. APPENDIX Tax Reforms to Permit Reforestation. Opinions of Expert Authorities. The Western Forestry and Conservation Association. Its Organization and Objects. INTRODUCTION WHERE WE STAND TODAY |