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Practical Forestry in the Pacific Northwest - Protecting Existing Forests and Growing New Ones, from the Standpoint of the Public and That of the Lumberman, with an Outline of Technical Methods by Edward Tyson Allen
page 71 of 160 (44%)
and sell for from 5 to 6 cents a running foot.

"On the upper portion of the sugar pine-yellow pine type, where
both species have about an equal representation in the stand, seed
trees of each should be left, wherever practicable, in the proportion
of two sugar pines to one yellow pine."

In the fir belt, where sugar pine and fir are the principal species,
the fir should be cut clean wherever possible and sugar pine should
be relied upon for the future forest.

"On all lands, the Douglas spruce, white fir and incense cedar
should be cut whenever possible, and chutes, skidways and bridges
should be constructed from the two last named species."

The following specific instructions are issued for marking timber
on National Forest sales in the sugar pine-yellow pine type:

"Owing to the large size of the trees, marking in this type of
forest should be done with special care, since a slight mistake
involves a comparatively large amount of timber.

"On nearly all of the lands included in this type the ground is
now but partly and insufficiently stocked with young timber, the
areas of forest are constantly becoming more accessible to markets,
and there is every indication of a strong future demand at greatly
increased prices. On nearly every tract, a second cut can be made
within thirty years. All marking under present sales should be
done strictly with reference to two points:

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