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Across the Fruited Plain by Florence Crannell Means
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found in the picture story book _Jack Of The Bean Fields_, by Nina

This book is dedicated to a whole troop of children "across the
fruited plain": Tomoko, Willie May, Fei-Kin, Nawamana, Candelaria
and Isabell, and to the newest child of all--our little Mary

[Illustration: Cissy and Tommy at the Center]


1: The House Of Beecham
2: The Cranberry Bog
3: Shucking Oysters
4: Peekaneeka?
5: Cissy From The Onion Marshes
6: At The Edge Of A Mexican Village
7: The Boy Who Didn't Know God
8: The Hopyards
9: Seth Thomas Strikes Twelve


Dear Mary and Bonnie and Jack and the rest of my readers:
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