A Declaration of the Causes, which mooved the chiefe Commanders of the Nauie of her most excellent Maiestie the Queene of England, in their voyage and expedition for Portingal, to take and arrest in the mouth of the Riuer of Lisbone, certaine Shippes of c by Anonymous
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case, and vpon the like occasion, woulde not haue failed to take the
like course. For it is a thing notorious & sufficiently knowen, not onely to the fewe _Hanse_ townes, but also to all Christendome, that the king of Spaine is transported with a mortall hatred against the Queenes Maiestie of England: a witnes whereof is the intended but not performed inuasion of the kingdome, and Dominions of England by the saide king the yeere last past, furthered by him with all his force, but by the mercie of God vtterly disappointed. Which exulcerate malice of the Kings minde, not lately sprong vp, but of long time lurking in the closet of his heart, yet foreseene and still preuented by the Queenes Maiestie, she often by her messengers sent to him for that purpose, as with most gentle medicines indeuoured to asswage, to reduce him to a newe minde meeter for a Prince, and so great a king as himselfe: to the ende that remouing out of both their mindes not onely the staine, but also the suspition of the staine of discontentments, they might dispose themselues to enter and conclude a firme peace and durable friendship, according to the ancient leagues betweene their progenitours and fathers, and their kingdomes, for the space of many yeeres happily continued. The king as a man bewitched by the bishop of Rome, the very firebrand and bellowes of all the ciuill warres in Christendome, neglecteth the remedies and conditions of peace that haue bene offred, and perseuereth according to his beginning, in his hostile intendement against her Maiestie, not otherwise contentable or satisfiable then with her destruction, the slaughter and bloodshed of her people most obedient vnto her, and to bee short, with the conquest of the whole kingdome. |