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The Wit and Humor of America, Volume III. (of X.) by Various
page 10 of 202 (04%)
"Yes, yes!"

"Well, we both just climbed up, and there's three young ones in it!"

Then I smiled to think that our new neighbors had got such a promising
little family.



In the fall of the year 1829, I took it into my head I'd go to Portland.
I had heard a good deal about Portland, what a fine place it was, and
how the folks got rich there proper fast; and that fall there was a
couple of new papers come up to our place from there, called the
"Portland Courier" and "Family Reader," and they told a good many queer
kind of things about Portland, and one thing and another; and all at
once it popped into my head, and I up and told father, and says,--

"I am going to Portland, whether or no; and I'll see what this world is
made of yet."

Father stared a little at first, and said he was afraid I would get
lost; but when he see I was bent upon it, he give it up, and he stepped
to his chist, and opened the till, and took out a dollar, and he gave it
to me; and says he,--
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