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The Wit and Humor of America, Volume III. (of X.) by Various
page 12 of 202 (05%)
to a good town; Portland is a healthy, thriving place, and any man with
a proper degree of enterprise may do well here. But," says he,
"stranger," and he looked mighty kind of knowing, says he, "if you want
to make out to your mind, you must do as the steamboats do."

"Well," says I, "how do they do?" for I didn't know what a steamboat
was, any more than the man in the moon.

"Why," says he, "they go ahead. And you must drive about among the folks
here just as though you were at home, on the farm among the cattle.
Don't be afraid of any of them, but figure away, and I dare say you'll
get into good business in a very little while. But," says he, "there's
one thing you must be careful of; and that is, not to get into the hands
of those are folks that trades up round Huckler's Row, for ther's some
sharpers up there, if they get hold of you, would twist your eye-teeth
out in five minits."

Well, arter he had giv me all the good advice he could, I went back to
Aunt Sally's ag'in, and got some breakfast; and then I walked all over
the town, to see what chance I could find to sell my axe-handles and
things and to get into business.

After I had walked about three or four hours, I come along towards the
upper end of the town, where I found there were stores and shops of all
sorts and sizes. And I met a feller, and says I,--

"What place is this?"

"Why, this," says he, "is Huckler's Row."

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