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The Wit and Humor of America, Volume III. (of X.) by Various
page 39 of 202 (19%)
"I like that the best," said Buddie, who knew what it was to tip over a
pail of eggs, and felt as sorry for Sammy Patch as if he really existed.

"It's one of my best," said the Donkey. "I don't call it my very best.
Personally I prefer, Look before you leap. You've heard that old saw, I
dare say."

"No; but that doesn't matter. I shall like it just as well," replied

"_That_ doesn't follow, but _this_ does," said the Donkey, and once more
he sang:

"A foolish Frog, one summer day,
While splashing round in careless way,
Observed a man
With large tin can,
And manner most suspicious.
'I think I know,' remarked the Frog,
'A safer place than on this log;
For when a man
Comes with a can
His object is malicious.'

Thus far the foolish Frog was wise;
But had he better used his eyes,
He would have seen,
Close by, a lean
Old Pike--his nose just showing.
Kersplash! The Pike made just one bite....
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