Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXX, Dec. 1910 - Locomotive Performance On Grades Of Various Lengths, Paper No. 1172 by Beverly S. Randolph
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INSTITUTED 1852 TRANSACTIONS Paper No. 1172 LOCOMOTIVE PERFORMANCE ON GRADES OF VARIOUS LENGTHS. BY BEVERLY S. RANDOLPH, M. AM. SOC. C. E. WITH DISCUSSION BY MESSRS. C. D. PURDON, JOHN C. TRAUTWINE, JR., AND BEVERLY S. RANDOLPH. In the location of new railways and the improvement of lines already in operation, it is now well recognized that large economies can be effected by the careful study of train resistance due to grades and alignment, distributing this resistance so as to secure a minimum cost of operation with the means available for construction. While engaged in such studies some years ago, the attention of the writer was attracted by the fact that the usual method of calculating the traction of a locomotive--by assuming from 20 to 25% of the weight |