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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 103 of 194 (53%)

"'Is it? Now I don't know anything about music. It's the words that
make me feel wisht.'

"'And now,' said I, 'you've eased my soul of the curiosity that has
been vexing it for twenty-four hours. Your voice told you were
English; but there was something in it besides--something almost
rubbed out, if I may say so, by your training for the ministry.
I was wondering what part of England you hailed from, and I meant to
find out without asking. You'll observe that as yet I don't even
know your name. But Cornwall's your birthplace.'

"'I suppose,' he answered, smiling, 'you've only heard me called
'the Bishop.' Yes, you're quite right. I come from the north of
Cornwall--from Port Isaac; and my name's Penno--John Penno.
I used to be laughed at for it at the Training College, and for my
Cornish talk. They said it would be a hindrance to me in the
ministry, so I worked hard to overcome it.'

"'I know Port Isaac. At least, I once spent a couple of days there.'

"'Ah?' He turned on me eagerly--with a sob, almost. 'You will have
seen my folks, maybe? My father's a fisherman there--Hezekiah
Penno--Old Ki, he's always called: everyone knows him.'

"I shook my head. 'The only fisherman I knew at all was called
Tregay. He took me out after the pollack one day in his boat, the
_Little Mercy_.'

"'That will be my mother's brother Israel. He named the boat after a
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