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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 116 of 194 (59%)
"If 'tis Tommy Warne's cure you're trying, why then I'm part of it;
so you'd best get up quickly."

"Aw, that's another matter, though you might have said so at first.
I'd no notion you and Tommy was hand-'n-glove."

Joby rose up and followed his brother out of doors. He had nothing
on but his night-shirt, but his brother seemed in a hurry, and he
didn't like to object.

They set their faces to the road and they walked and walked, neither
saying a word, till they came to Penryn. There was a fair going on
in the town; swing-boats and shooting-galleries and lillybanger
standings, and naphtha lamps flaming, and in the middle of all, a
great whirly-go-round, with striped horses and boats, and a
steam-organ playing "Yankee Doodle." As soon as they started Joby
saw that the whole thing was going around widdershins; and his
brother stood up under the naphtha-lamp and pulled out a sextant and
began to take observations.

"What's the latitude?" asked Joby. He felt that he ought to say
something to his brother, after being parted all these years.

"Decimal nothing to speak of," answered Sam.

"Then we ought to be nearing the Line," said Joby. He hadn't noticed
the change, but now he saw that the boat they sat in was floating on
the sea, and that Sam had stuck his walking-stick out over the stern
and was steering.

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