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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 121 of 194 (62%)
'Twas his own wife's voice in his own four-poster. Joby had slid
down the bed-post and caught hold of her arm, and was workin' it
round like mad from right to left.

"I ax your pardon, my dear. I was thinkin' you was another man's

"Indeed, I must say you wasn't behavin' like it," said she.

But when she got up and lit a candle, she was pleased enough.
For Joby's eyes were as straight as yours or mine. And straight they
have been ever since.



When first the Trinity Brothers put a light out yonder by the Gunnel
Rocks, it was just a trifling makeshift affair for the time--none of
your proper lightships with a crew of twelve or fourteen hands; and
my father and I used to tend it, taking turn and turn with two other
fellows from the Islands. I'm talking of old days. The rule then--
they have altered it since--was two months afloat and two ashore; and
all the time we tossed out there on duty, not a soul would we see to
speak to except when the Trinity boat put off with stores for us and
news of what was doing in the world. This would be about once a
fortnight in fair weather; but through the winter time it was oftener
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