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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 188 of 194 (96%)

He turned towards me again. As he did so, I caught over his
shoulder, or fancied I caught, a glance from Miss Kate that was at
once a warning and an appeal. The next moment her eyes were bent
shamefast upon the floor. I began to divine.

Said I, "If that's a sample of your manner towards your daughter,
even you, in your cooler moments, can hardly wonder that she chooses
another protector."

"Protector!" he repeated, lifting his eyebrows; and that infernal
footman cackled again.

"If you can't behave with common politeness to a lady," I put in
smartly, "you might at least exhibit enough of rude intelligence to
lay hold of an argument that's as plain as the nose on your face!"

"Gently, my good sir!" said he. "Do you know that, if I choose, I
can march you off to jail for a common housebreaker?"

I should think I did know it--a plaguy sight better than he!

"To begin with," he went on, "you look like one, for all the world."

This was sailing too close for my liking.

"Old gentleman," said I, "you are wearisomely dull. Possibly I had
better explain at length. To be frank, then, I had counted, in case
of failure, to avoid all scandal to your daughter's name. I had
hoped (you will excuse me) to have carried her off and evaded you
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