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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 22 of 194 (11%)
They behaved well.'

"'But I'd fain see the Marines again,' says the drummer, handing him
the trumpet; 'and you--you shall call once more for the Queen's Own.
Matthew,' he says, suddenly, turning on my father--and when he
turned, my father saw for the first time that his scarlet jacket had
a round hole by the breast-bone, and that the blood was welling
there--'Matthew, we shall want your boat.'

"Then my father rose on his legs like a man in a dream, while they
two slung on, the one his drum, and t'other his trumpet. He took the
lantern, and went quaking before them down to the shore, and they
breathed heavily behind him; and they stepped into his boat, and my
father pushed off.

"'Row you first for Dolor Point,' says the drummer. So my father
rowed them out past the white houses of Coverack to Dolor Point, and
there, at a word, lay on his oars. And the trumpeter, William
Tallifer, put his trumpet to his mouth and sounded the _Revelly_.
The music of it was like rivers running.

"'They will follow,' said the drummer. 'Matthew, pull you now for
the Manacles.'

"So my father pulled for the Manacles, and came to an easy close
outside Carn du. And the drummer took his sticks and beat a tattoo,
there by the edge of the reef; and the music of it was like a rolling

"'That will do,' says he, breaking off; 'they will follow. Pull now
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