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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 26 of 194 (13%)
'I didn't know you was so well up in the campaign. But, as it
happens, I _do_ know that the 38th was engaged, for 'twas they that
held a cottage and stopped the French advance.'

"Still my father held his tongue; and when, a week later, he walked
into Helston and bought a _Mercury_ off the Sherborne rider, and got
the landlord of the 'Angel' to spell out the list of killed and
wounded, sure enough, there among the killed was Drummer John
Christian, of the 38th Foot.

"After this, there was nothing for a religious man but to make a
clean breast. So my father went up to Parson Kendall and told the
whole story. The parson listened, and put a question or two, and
then asked:

"'Have you tried to open the lock since that night?'

"'I han't dared to touch it,' says my father.

"'Then come along and try.' When the parson came to the cottage here,
he took the things off the hook and tried the lock. 'Did he say
'_Bayonne_'? The word has seven letters.'

"'Not if you spell it with one 'n' as _he_ did,' says my father.

"The parson spelt it out--B-A-Y-O-N-E. 'Whew!' says he, for the lock
had fallen open in his hand.

"He stood considering it a moment, and then he says,' I tell you
what. I shouldn't blab this all round the parish, if I was you.
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