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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 46 of 194 (23%)
"In his oratorio of _Saul_. Listen--_poum, poum, prrr, poum_--"

"Be dashed, but you've got it!" cried the Doctor, delighted; "though
you do give it a sort of foreign accent. But I daresay that won't be
so noticeable on the key-bugle."

"But about this key-bugle, monsieur? And the other instruments?--not
to mention the players."

"I've been thinking of that," said Captain Pond. "There's Butcher
Tregaskis has a key-bugle. He plays 'Rule Britannia' upon it when he
goes round with the suet. He'll lend you that till we can get one
down from Plymouth. A drum, too, you shall have. Hockaday's trader
calls here to-morrow on her way to Plymouth; she shall bring both
instruments back with her. Then we have the church musicians--Peter
Tweedy, first fiddle; Matthew John Ede, second ditto; Thomas
Tripconey, scorpion--"

"Serpent," the Doctor corrected.

"Well, it's a filthy thing to look at, anyway. Israel Spettigew,
bass-viol; William Henry Phippin, flute; and William Henry Phippin's
eldest boy Archelaus to tap the triangle at the right moment.
That boy, sir, will play the triangle almost as well as a man grown."

"Then, monsieur, take me to your house. Give me a little food and
drink, pen, ink, and paper, and in three hours you shall have _la

Said the Doctor, "That's all very well, Pond, but the church
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