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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 73 of 194 (37%)
once, over to Tregarrick feast."

"Why, o' course. I mind your features now, though 'tis forty years
since. We was standards there an' met i' the last round, an' I got
the wust o't. Terrible hard you pitched me, to be sure: but your
sweetheart was a-watchin' 'ee--hey?--wi' her blue eyes."

Samuel Badgery sat down on deck, with a leg on either side of the

"Iss: she was there, as you say. An' she married me that day month.
How do you know her eyes were blue?"

"Oh, I dunno. Young men takes notice o' these trifles."

"She died last week."

"Indeed? Pore soul!"

"An' she left you this by her will. 'Twas hers to leave, for I gave
it to her, mysel', when that day's wrestlin' was over."

He removed the lid of the band-box and pulled out two parcels wrapped
in a pile of tissue-paper. After removing sheet upon sheet of this
paper he held up two glittering objects in the sunshine. The one was
a silver mug: the other a leather belt with an elaborate silver

William Dendle wore a puzzled and somewhat uneasy look.

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