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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 81 of 194 (41%)

"This sudden apparition shook me down with a jerk; and I suppose the
sight of me had something of the same effect on the woman, who
staggered to the side of the track, and, plumping down amid her
flounces, beckoned me feebly with her sunshade. I pulled up, and
asked what I could do for her.

"'You're the doctor?' she said slowly, with a tight hold on her

"'That's so.'

"'From Cornice House?'

"I nodded.

"She nodded back. 'That's so. Oh, dear, dear! _you_ said that.
I can't help it. I'm drunk, and it's no use pretending!'

"She fell to wringing her hands, and the tears began to run from her
bistred eyes.

"'Now, see here, Mrs.--Miss--'


"'Miss Florence Montmorency?' I hazarded as a translation.

"'That's so. Formerly of the Haughty Coal.'

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