The Space Pioneers by [pseud.] Carey Rockwell
page 92 of 238 (38%)
page 92 of 238 (38%)
"Pay!" exclaimed Roger. "But, but--how can you? You don't have any credits. The Solar Council decided to let the colony work on a barter basis--share and share alike--until it could take its place in the over-all economy of the Solar Alliance." "I know, I know," said Logan resignedly. "We're having to pay for the things we get by signing over a percentage of our future profit over the next seven years." The three cadets looked at each other in disbelief. The idea of two men openly violating the laws of the expedition, treating the Solar Alliance citizens as if they were prisoners, was overwhelming. Tom got up and began to pace the deck. Finally he turned and faced Logan. "Have you said anything to Vidac about this?" he asked. "Ummmpf!" snorted Logan. "Every one of us signed a petition and had it sent to the governor himself. We didn't even get a reply. Vidac must have heard about it and told Winters and Bush to take it easy, because the next day we were allowed to eat again without having to sign over part of our profit to them. But everything else is the same." "But how could they force you to pay?" asked Roger. "Couldn't you refuse?" "Sonny," declared Logan emphatically, "I'm brave as the next man. But you don't argue against a paralo-ray gun, especially when there are women and children to worry about." |