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Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond by Budgett Meakin
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Salli-Rabat, Dar el Baida, Mazagan, Saffi and Mogador; Azîla,
Fedála, Mehedia, Mansûrîya, Azammûr and Waladîya; Fez, Mequinez
and Marrákesh; Zarhôn, Wazzán and Shesháwan; El Kasar, Sifrû,
Tadla, Damnát, Táza, Dibdû and Oojda; Ceuta, Velez, Alhucemas,
Melilla and the Zaffarines; Sûs, the Draa, Tafilált, Fîgîg, and

Reminiscences of Travel--In the Guise of a Moor--To Marrákesh on a
Bicycle--In Search of Miltsin.

THE MOORISH EMPIRE: A Historical Epitome. With Maps, 118
Illustrations, and a unique Chronological, Geographical, and
Genealogical Chart.

CONTENTS:--Mauretania--The Mohammedan Invasion--Foundation of
Empire--Consolidation of Empire--Extension of Empire--Contraction
of Empire--Stagnation of Empire--Personification of Empire--The
Reigning Shareefs--The Moorish Government--Present Administration.

Europeans in the Moorish Service--The Salli Rovers--Record of
the Christian Slaves--Christian Influences in Morocco--Foreign
Relations--Moorish Diplomatic Usages--Foreign Rights and
Privileges--Commercial Intercourse--The Fate of the Empire.

Works on Morocco reviewed (213 vols. in 11 languages)--The
Place of Morocco in Fiction--Journalism in Morocco--Works
Recommended--Classical Authorities on Morocco.


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