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The Old Peabody Pew by Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin
page 39 of 48 (81%)

These were so precisely the words she expected him to say, should she
ever see him again face to face, that for an additional moment they but
heightened her sense of unreality.

"Well, the luck hasn't turned, after all, but I couldn't wait any longer.
Have you given a thought to me all these years, Nancy?"

"More than one, Justin"; for the very look upon his face, the tenderness
of his voice, the attitude of his body, outran his words and told her
what he had come home to say, told her that her years of waiting were
over at last.

"You ought to despise me for coming back again with only myself and my
empty hands to offer you."

How easy it was to speak his heart out in this dim and quiet place! How
tongue-tied he would have been, sitting on the black haircloth sofa in
the Wentworth parlour and gazing at the open soapstone stove!

"Oh, men are such fools!" cried Nancy, smiles and tears struggling
together in her speech, as she sat down suddenly in her own pew and put
her hands over her face.

"They are," agreed Justin humbly, "but I've never stopped loving you,
whenever I've had time for thinking or loving. And I wasn't sure that
you really cared anything about me; and how could I have asked you when I
hadn't a dollar in the world?"

"There are other things to give a woman besides dollars, Justin."
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