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The Old Peabody Pew by Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin
page 43 of 48 (89%)
Then all the peaceful heavens
With sweetest music rang,
And glory, glory, glory!
The happy angels sang.

So I this night am joyful,
Though I can scarce tell why,
It seemeth me that glory
Hath met us very nigh;
And we, though poor and humble,
Have part in heavenly plan,
For, born to-night, the Prince of Peace
Shall rule the heart of man.

Justin's heart melted within him like wax to the woman's vision and the
woman's touch.

"Oh, Nancy, Nancy!" he whispered. "If I had brought my bad luck to you
long, long ago, would you have taken me then, and have I lost years of
such happiness as this?"

"There are some things it is not best for a man to be certain about,"
said Nancy, with a wise smile and a last good-night.


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