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The Old Peabody Pew by Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin
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build a new chimney on the other side of the church.

An awe-stricken community witnessed this beneficent act of vandalism,
and, finding that no thunderbolts of retribution descended from the
skies, greatly relished the change. If one or two aged persons
complained that they could not sleep as sweetly during sermon-time in the
now clear atmosphere of the church, and that the parson's eye was keener
than before, why, that was a mere detail, and could not be avoided; what
was the loss of a little sleep compared with the discoloration of Mrs.
Jere Burbank's white ostrich feather and the smarting of Mrs. Jere
Burbank's eyes?

A new furnace followed the new chimney, in due course, and as a sense of
comfort grew, there was opportunity to notice the lack of beauty. Twice
in sixty years had some well-to-do summer parishioner painted the
interior of the church at his own expense; but although the roof had been
many times reshingled, it had always persisted in leaking, so that the
ceiling and walls were disfigured by unsightly spots and stains and
streaks. The question of shingling was tacitly felt to be outside the
feminine domain, but as there were five women to one man in the church
membership, the feminine domain was frequently obliged to extend its
limits into the hitherto unknown. Matters of tarring and water-proofing
were discussed in and out of season, and the very school-children imbibed
knowledge concerning lapping, overlapping, and cross-lapping, and first
and second quality of cedar shingles. Miss Lobelia Brewster, who had a
rooted distrust of anything done by mere man, created strife by remarking
that she could have stopped the leak in the belfry tower with her red
flannel petticoat better than the Milltown man with his new-fangled
rubber sheeting, and that the last shingling could have been more
thoroughly done by a "female infant babe"; whereupon the person
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