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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 102 of 158 (64%)

SURFACE. An infallible one believe me--Prudence like experience
must be paid for--

LADY TEAZLE. Why if my understanding were once convinced----

SURFACE. Oh, certainly Madam, your understanding SHOULD be
convinced--yes--yes--Heaven forbid I should persuade you to do
anything you THOUGHT wrong--no--no--I have too much honor
to desire it--

LADY TEAZLE. Don't--you think we may as well leave Honor
out of the Argument? [Rises.]

SURFACE. Ah--the ill effects of your country education I see
still remain with you.

LADY TEAZLE. I doubt they do indeed--and I will fairly own to you,
that If I could be persuaded to do wrong it would be by Sir Peter's
ill-usage--sooner than your honourable Logic, after all.

SURFACE. Then by this Hand, which He is unworthy of----


Sdeath, you Blockhead--what do you want?

SERVANT. I beg your Pardon Sir, but I thought you wouldn't chuse
Sir Peter to come up without announcing him?

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