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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 104 of 158 (65%)

SIR PETER. I dare say you must--certainly--when you want to find
out anything in a Hurry.

SURFACE. Aye or to hide anything in a Hurry either--

SIR PETER. Well I have a little private Business--if we were alone--

SURFACE. You needn't stay.

SERVANT. No--Sir----

SURFACE. Here's a Chair--Sir Peter--I beg----

SIR PETER. Well--now we are alone--there IS a subject--my dear
Friend--on which I wish to unburthen my Mind to you--a Point
of the greatest moment to my Peace--in short, my good Friend--
Lady Teazle's conduct of late has made me very unhappy.

SURFACE. Indeed I'm very sorry to hear it--

SIR PETER. Yes 'tis but too plain she has not the least regard
for me--but what's worse, I have pretty good Authority to suspect
that she must have formed an attachment to another.

SURFACE. Indeed! you astonish me.

SIR PETER. Yes--and between ourselves--I think I have discover'd
the Person.
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