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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 11 of 158 (06%)

VERJUICE. She certainly has Talents.

LADY SNEERWELL. But her manner is gross.

VERJUICE. 'Tis very true. She generally designs well[,] has
a free tongue and a bold invention--but her colouring is too dark
and her outline often extravagant--She wants that delicacy of
Tint--and mellowness of sneer--which distinguish your Ladyship's

LADY SNEERWELL. Ah you are Partial Verjuice.

VERJUICE. Not in the least--everybody allows that Lady Sneerwell
can do more with a word or a Look than many can with the most
laboured Detail even when they happen to have a little truth
on their side to support it.

LADY SNEERWELL. Yes my dear Verjuice. I am no Hypocrite to deny
the satisfaction I reap from the Success of my Efforts. Wounded
myself, in the early part of my Life by the envenomed Tongue of
Slander I confess I have since known no Pleasure equal to the
reducing others to the Level of my own injured Reputation.

VERJUICE. Nothing can be more natural--But my dear Lady Sneerwell
There is one affair in which you have lately employed me, wherein,
I confess I am at a Loss to guess your motives.

LADY SNEERWELL. I conceive you mean with respect to my neighbour,
Sir Peter Teazle, and his Family--Lappet.--And has my conduct
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