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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 18 of 158 (11%)
Madam Mrs. Candour is below and if your Ladyship's at leisure will
leave her carriage.

LADY SNEERWELL. Beg her to walk in. Now, Maria[,] however here is
a Character to your Taste, for tho' Mrs. Candour is a little
talkative everybody allows her to be the best-natured and best sort
of woman.

MARIA. Yes with a very gross affectation of good Nature and
Benevolence--she does more mischief than the Direct malice of
old Crabtree.

SURFACE. Efaith 'tis very true Lady Sneerwell--Whenever I hear
the current running again the characters of my Friends, I never
think them in such Danger as when Candour undertakes their Defence.

LADY SNEERWELL. Hush here she is----


MRS. CANDOUR. My dear Lady Sneerwell how have you been this Century.
I have never seen you tho' I have heard of you very often.--
Mr. Surface--the World says scandalous things of you--but indeed
it is no matter what the world says, for I think one hears nothing
else but scandal.

SURFACE. Just so, indeed, Ma'am.

MRS. CANDOUR. Ah Maria Child--what[!] is the whole affair off
between you and Charles? His extravagance; I presume--The Town
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