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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 27 of 158 (17%)
CRABTREE. I was at his house--not a thing left but some empty
Bottles that were overlooked and the Family Pictures, which
I believe are framed in the Wainscot.

SIR BENJAMIN. And I'm very sorry to hear also some bad stories
against him.

CRABTREE. O He has done many mean things--that's certain!

SIR BENJAMIN. But however as He is your Brother----

CRABTREE. We'll tell you all another opportunity.

LADY SNEERWELL. Ha! ha! ha! 'tis very hard for them to leave
a subject they have not quite run down.

SURFACE. And I believe the Abuse was no more acceptable to your
Ladyship than Maria.

LADY SNEERWELL. I doubt her Affections are farther engaged than
we imagin'd but the Family are to be here this Evening so you may
as well dine where you are and we shall have an opportunity of
observing farther--in the meantime, I'll go and plot Mischief
and you shall study Sentiments.

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