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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 43 of 158 (27%)
behind like a Drummer's and puffing round the Ring on a full trot.

MRS. CANDOUR. I thank you Lady Teazle for defending her.

SIR PETER. Yes, a good Defence, truly!

MRS. CANDOUR. But for Sir Benjamin, He is as censorious as
Miss Sallow.

CRABTREE. Yes and she is a curious Being to pretend to be
censorious--an awkward Gawky, without any one good Point
under Heaven!

LADY SNEERWELL. Positively you shall not be so very severe.
Miss Sallow is a Relation of mine by marriage, and, as for
her Person great allowance is to be made--for, let me tell you
a woman labours under many disadvantages who tries to pass
for a girl at six-and-thirty.

MRS. CANDOUR. Tho', surely she is handsome still--and for the
weakness in her eyes considering how much she reads by candle-light
it is not to be wonder'd at.

LADY SNEERWELL. True and then as to her manner--upon my word
I think it is particularly graceful considering she never had the
least Education[:] for you know her Mother was a Welch milliner,
and her Father a sugar-Baker at Bristow.--

SIR BENJAMIN. Ah! you are both of you too good-natured!

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