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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 46 of 158 (29%)

SIR PETER. Ah Madam true wit is more nearly allow'd [allied?]
to good Nature than your Ladyship is aware of.

LADY SNEERWELL. True Sir Peter--I believe they are so near akin
that they can never be united.

SIR BENJAMIN. O rather Madam suppose them man and wife because
one seldom sees them together.

LADY TEAZLE. But Sir Peter is such an Enemy to Scandal I believe
He would have it put down by Parliament.

SIR PETER. 'Fore heaven! Madam, if they were to consider the
Sporting with Reputation of as much importance as poaching on manors--
and pass an Act for the Preservation of Fame--there are many would
thank them for the Bill.

LADY SNEERWELL. O Lud! Sir Peter would you deprive us of our

SIR PETER. Aye Madam--and then no person should be permitted to kill
characters or run down reputations, but qualified old Maids and
disappointed Widows.--

LADY SNEERWELL. Go, you monster--

MRS. CANDOUR. But sure you would not be quite so severe on those
who only report what they hear?

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