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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
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LADY TEAZLE. Certainly one must not be out of the Fashion--however,
I have so much of my country Prejudices left--that--though Sir Peter's
ill humour may vex me ever so, it never shall provoke me to----

SURFACE. The only revenge in your Power--well I applaud your

LADY TEAZLE. Go--you are an insinuating Hypocrite--but we shall be
miss'd--let us join the company.

SURFACE. True, but we had best not return together.

LADY TEAZLE. Well don't stay--for Maria shan't come to hear
any more of your Reasoning, I promise you--

SURFACE. A curious Dilemma truly my Politics have run me into.
I wanted at first only to ingratiate myself with Lady Teazle that she
might not be my enemy with Maria--and I have I don't know how--
become her serious Lover, so that I stand a chance of Committing
a Crime I never meditated--and probably of losing Maria by the
Pursuit!--Sincerely I begin to wish I had never made such a Point
of gaining so very good a character, for it has led me into so many
curst Rogueries that I doubt I shall be exposed at last.

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