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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 59 of 158 (37%)
SIR OLIVER. Egad I like this Idea better than the other, and I may
visit Joseph afterwards as old Stanley.

SIR PETER. True so you may.

ROWLEY. Well this is taking Charles rather at a disadvantage, to be
sure--however Moses--you understand Sir Peter and will be faithful----

MOSES. You may depend upon me--and this is near the Time I was
to have gone.

SIR OLIVER. I'll accompany you as soon as you please, Moses----
but hold--I have forgot one thing--how the plague shall I be able
to pass for a Jew?

MOSES. There's no need--the Principal is Christian.

SIR OLIVER. Is He--I'm very sorry to hear it--but then again--
an't I rather too smartly dressed to look like a money-Lender?

SIR PETER. Not at all; 'twould not be out of character, if you
went in your own carriage--would it, Moses!

MOSES. Not in the least.

SIR OLIVER. Well--but--how must I talk[?] there's certainly some
cant of usury and mode of treating that I ought to know.

SIR PETER. Oh, there's not much to learn--the great point as I
take it is to be exorbitant enough in your Demands hey Moses?
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