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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 62 of 158 (39%)
inheriting his estate without being undone by coming into Possession.

SIR OLIVER. So--so--Moses shall give me further instructions
as we go together.

SIR PETER. You will not have much time[,] for your Nephew lives
hard bye--

SIR OLIVER. Oh Never--fear[:] my Tutor appears so able that tho'
Charles lived in the next street it must be my own Fault if I am
not a compleat Rogue before I turn the Corner--
[Exeunt SIR OLIVER and MOSES.]

SIR PETER. So--now I think Sir Oliver will be convinced--you shan't
follow them Rowley. You are partial and would have prepared Charles
for 'tother plot.

ROWLEY. No upon my word Sir Peter--

SIR PETER. Well, go bring me this Snake, and I'll hear what he has
to say presently. I see Maria, and want to speak with her.--
[Exit ROWLEY.]
I should be glad to be convinced my suspicions of Lady Teazle and
Charles were unjust--I have never yet opened my mind on this subject
to my Friend Joseph. . . . I am determined. I will do it--He will
give me his opinion sincerely.--


So Child--has Mr. Surface returned with you--
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