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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 70 of 158 (44%)
TRIP. My Master[,] Gentlemen[,] says you must wait, he has company,
and can't speak with you yet.

SIR OLIVER. If he knew who it was wanted to see him, perhaps
he wouldn't have sent such a Message.

TRIP. Yes--yes--Sir--He knows you are here--I didn't forget
little Premium--no--no----

SIR OLIVER. Very well--and pray Sir what may be your Name?

TRIP. Trip Sir--my Name is Trip, at your Service.

SIR OLIVER. Well then Mr. Trip--I presume your master is seldom
without company----

TRIP. Very seldom Sir--the world says ill-natured things of him
but 'tis all malice--no man was ever better beloved--Sir he seldom
sits down to dinner without a dozen particular Friends----

SIR OLIVER. He's very happy indeed--you have a pleasant sort
of Place here I guess?

TRIP. Why yes--here are three or four of us pass our time agreeably
enough--but then our wages are sometimes a little in arrear--and not
very great either--but fifty Pounds a year and find our own Bags and

SIR OLIVER. Bags and Bouquets!--Halters and Bastinadoes! [Aside.]

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