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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 93 of 158 (58%)
nonsense; for tradesmen, Charles, are the most exorbitant fellows.

CHARLES. Very true, and paying them is only encouraging them.

CARELESS. Nothing else.

CHARLES. Ay, ay, never fear.--
So! this was an odd old fellow, indeed. Let me see, two-thirds
of these five hundred and thirty odd pounds are mine by right.
Fore Heaven! I find one's ancestors are more valuable relations
than I took them for!--Ladies and gentlemen, your most obedient
and very grateful servant.
[Bows ceremoniously to the pictures.]


Ha! old Rowley! egad, you are just come in time to take leave
of your old acquaintance.

ROWLEY. Yes, I heard they were a-going. But I wonder you can
have such spirits under so many distresses.

CHARLES. Why, there's the point! my distresses are so many, that
I can't affort to part with my spirits; but I shall be rich and
splenetic, all in good time. However, I suppose you are surprised
that I am not more sorrowful at parting with so many near relations;
to be sure, 'tis very affecting; but you see they never move a muscle,
so why should I?

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