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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 99 of 158 (62%)
LADY TEAZLE. Then--one never hears her speak ill of anybody--which
you know is mighty dull--

SURFACE. Yet she doesn't want understanding--

LADY TEAZLE. No more she does--yet one is always disapointed when
one hears [her] speak--For though her Eyes have no kind of meaning
in them--she very seldom talks Nonsense.

SURFACE. Nay--nay surely--she has very fine eyes--

LADY TEAZLE. Why so she has--tho' sometimes one fancies there's
a little sort of a squint--

SURFACE. A squint--O fie--Lady Teazle.

LADY TEAZLE. Yes yes--I vow now--come there is a left-handed Cupid
in one eye--that's the Truth on't.

SURFACE. Well--his aim is very direct however--but Lady Sneerwell
has quite corrupted you.

LADY TEAZLE. No indeed--I have not opinion enough of her to be taught
by her, and I know that she has lately rais'd many scandalous hints of
me--which you know one always hears from one common Friend, or other.

SURFACE. Why to say truth I believe you are not more obliged to her
than others of her acquaintance.

LADY TEAZLE. But isn't [it] provoking to hear the most ill-natured
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