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Buttercup Gold, and other stories by Ellen Robena Field
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man passing by, and knew he would soon be back to hunt for his
treasure. "It will do him no good," she said, "if he hides it
away, and neither will it help anybody else. I will change it
into something that will give joy to rich and poor."

When the greedy man reached the meadow he could see no gold
money, but in its place were bright, yellow flowers--buttercup
gold for the children.

The Raindrops

Up above us, near the Sky Country, in a place called Cloudland,
live a great many little people, called raindrops. They are very
helpful, and always try to do their best, because they know the
great King of Cloudland has work for them all. One morning two
tiny raindrops were sitting together looking down at Earthdom.
"How dusty and hot everything looks," said one drop. "Yes,"
replied the other, "let us go down and see how much good we can
do in Earthdom to-day." So these two little raindrops called
their brothers and sisters and told of their plan, and asked them
to go, too, for they always wanted to share their good time with
others. "Let's have a game of tag, and see who will reach the top
of that hill first," said one little drop, and away they
scampered. They ran so fast that they reached Earthdom at about
the same time, and how glad Mother Nature was to see them. Some
of them went at once to visit the flowers, and whispered such
sweet words to the tired, dusty blossoms, that they raised their
heads again, and thanked the raindrops for the comfort they had
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