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Buttercup Gold, and other stories by Ellen Robena Field
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a good time playing, and Laura wished she had noticed the glories
more before.

By and by, when the day was over, and Laura sat again in the
hammock, watching the sleeping glories, she said: "I wonder if
the glories could have been talking this morning; "and one little
sleepy bud looked as if it could tell if it chose. But Mamma put
her arm about the little girl and said, "I think it was a dream,
dear. But if the flowers could speak I think they would tell my
darling that by using her eyes more, she will find out how much
there is that is beautiful, and God made them all for us to
enjoy, because he loves us. Every flower that blooms its
sweetest, and every child who tries to be good, is a precious
part of our Heavenly Father's glories."

A Fall Song

Golden and red trees
Nod to the soft breeze,
As it whispers, "Winter is near;"
And the brown nuts fall
At the wind's loud call,
For this is the Fall of the year.

Good-by, sweet flowers!
Through bright Summer hours
You have filled our hearts with cheer
We shall miss you so,
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