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The Perdue Chicken Cookbook by Mitzi Perdue
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this book, Connie Littleton, the Director of Advertising
and Marketing Services at Perdue. She is a woman totally
committed to excellence, and if that commitment to
excellence meant she had to read and edit until the wee
hours of the morning, she always did it as if it were a
matter of course. With each passing day, I gained
increasing respect for her professionalism, judgment and
knowledge. Bev Cox, a home economist and food stylist, was
an inspiration for her meticulous attention to detail, her
enthusiasm, and her unfailing good humor no matter what.
Beth Fusaro, who typed most of the recipes in this book, is
a Renaissance Woman, who knows not only about food and
typing, but also about everything from making pottery to
preserving the environment. It's been a privilege to work
with Beth. Gretchen Barnes, who assisted Bev Cox in
editing, learned a whole new computer program, Word
Perfect, in order to get the job done quickly. Sharon
Sakemiller, who is already a Word Perfect expert, also
helped with typing and retyping recipes. She impressed
everyone with how rapidly she could get things done.

My sincere thanks to the members of American Agri-Women who
over the years have shared their food tips with me. Also,
deepest thanks to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
Cooperative Extension. One of Cooperative Extension's major
activities is helping to educate consumers, and I owe
Cooperative Extension a deep debt of gratitude for the
education I've received through their many publications,
broadcasts, classes, seminars, meetings, and personal
contacts. The following Cooperative Extension members$many
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