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Life and Death of Mr. Badman by John Bunyan
page 3 of 244 (01%)
annuwiol dan enw Mr Drygddyn. A Gaelic version also was published
at Inverness in 1824, entitled Beath agus Bas Mhr Droch-duine.

The present edition {1a} has been reprinted from a copy of the
first issue, lent by the Trustees of the Bunyan Church at Bedford,
and the proofs read with a second copy of the same issue, in the
library of the British Museum. For convenience of reading, as in
other issues of this series of CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH CLASSICS, the old
type forms of j, s, u, etc. have been made uniform with those in
general modern use; but neither the spelling (including the use of
capitals and italics) nor the punctuation has been altered, save as
specified. Effect has been given to the errata noted by Bunyan
himself, and printed on page 15 of this issue.

The text of this edition of Bunyan's Holy War {1b} is a careful
reproduction of the First Edition of 1682. It is not certain that
there was any further authentic reprint in Bunyan's life-time. For
though both in the Bodleian and the British Museum there is a copy
purporting to be a second edition, and bearing date 1684, it is
difficult to resist the impression that they are pirated copies,
similar to those of which Nathaniel Ponder complained so bitterly
in the case of The Pilgrim's Progress. For both paper and
typography are greatly inferior to those of the first edition; some
of Bunyan's most characteristic marginalia are carelessly omitted;
Bunyan's own title--'The Holy War made by Shaddai upon Diabolus for
the regaining of the Metropolis of the World'--is altered to the
feebler and more commonplace form--'The Holy War made by Christ
upon the Devil for the Regaining of Man'; and, further, when a new
edition was issued in 1696, the alterations and omissions of 168 4
were ignored, and a simple reprint made of the first edition of
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