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Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard by Eleanor Farjeon
page 3 of 448 (00%)
Third Interlude
The Fourth Tale: Open Winkins
Fourth Interlude
The Fifth Tale: Proud Rosalind and the Hart-Royal
Fifth Interlude
The Sixth Tale: The Imprisoned Princess
Postlude--Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV


In Adversane in Sussex they still sing the song of The Spring-Green
Lady; any fine evening, in the streets or in the meadows, you may
come upon a band of children playing the old game that is their
heritage, though few of them know its origin, or even that it had
one. It is to them as the daisies in the grass and the stars in the
sky. Of these things, and such as these, they ask no questions. But
there you will still find one child who takes the part of the
Emperor's Daughter, and another who is the Wandering Singer, and the
remaining group (there should be no more than six in it) becomes the
Spring-Green Lady, the Rose-White Lady, the Apple-Gold Lady, of the
three parts of the game. Often there are more than six in the group,
for the true number of the damsels who guarded their fellow in her
prison is as forgotten as their names: Joscelyn, Jane and Jennifer,
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