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Shorter Prose Pieces by Oscar Wilde
page 2 of 42 (04%)
If the poor only had profiles there would be no difficulty in
solving the problem of poverty.

Those who see any difference between soul and body have neither.

A really well-made buttonhole is the only link between Art and

Religions die when they are proved to be true. Science is the
record of dead religions.

The well-bred contradict other people. The wise contradict

Nothing that actually occurs is of the smallest importance.

Dulness is the coming of age of seriousness.

In all unimportant matters, style, not sincerity, is the essential.
In all important matters, style, not sincerity, is the essential.

If one tells the truth one is sure, sooner or later, to be found

Pleasure is the only thing one should live for. Nothing ages like

It is only by not paying one's bills that one can hope to live in
the memory of the commercial classes.

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