The Writings of Samuel Adams - Volume 4 by Samuel Adams
page 39 of 441 (08%)
page 39 of 441 (08%)
perswaded think your self under an obligation to baulk your publick
Sentiments from an Idea of Gratitude to private Friends. Sat Verbum. I may explain my self more fully in another Letter. Adieu my friend. Burn this. 1 Elisha Porter of Hadley. TO ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL.1 [MS., Samuel Adams Papers, Lenox Library.] BOSTON Jany 14 1778 SIR Your Letter of the 10th Instant came to my hand on the 12, and I should instantly have returnd an Answer upon an Affair, in the Dispatch of which you must feel yourself so nearly interrested, had an opportunity presented. Colo Allens Exchange, it is probable, may not so easily be negotiated as that of Colo Webb; But this Gentleman has been much longer in Captivity than the other. And although I have no personal Acquaintance with him, yet I am well assured that he is a brave Soldier. Such a Character, you, Sir, must esteem; and this is also the Character of Colo Webb. I have not been insensible of the Obstruction which may have hitherto prevented the Exchange of Colo Allen, and the true Source of it. If private or partial Motives have prevaild in the Mind of any |