The Writings of Samuel Adams - Volume 4 by Samuel Adams
page 94 of 441 (21%)
page 94 of 441 (21%)
exclude all Hopes of Childrens rising up and serving God and their
Country in the Room of their Fathers. May Heaven grant us a Time of Reformation! I think you have done well in putting your Servant Boy Job an Apprentice to a Sail Maker. I hope you will injoyn it on him to let you see him often, that you may give him your Advice, and tell him it is my Desire that he would attend to it. I love the Boy, and am still of opinion, that if he is properly mannagd he will make a good Citizen. Remember me to my Daughter, Sister Polly and the rest of my Family & Friends, and accept of the best Wishes of your most affectionate, Write to me by every opportunity. TO WILLIAM COOPER. [MS., Samuel Adams Papers, Lenox Library.] PHILADE Sept 30 1778 MY DEAR SIR I have the pleasure of committing this Letter to the Care of your youngest Son who having been unfortunately taken in the Brig Resistance, was sufferd to come to this City to be exchangd for the |