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Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664 by Unknown
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voyage! We went between nine and ten o'clock with five Macquas
Indians, mostly north-west above eight leagues, and arrived at
half-past twelve in the evening at a hunter's cabin, where we slept
for the night, near the stream that runs into their land and is named
Oyoge. The Indians here gave us venison to eat. The land is mostly
full of fir trees, and the flat land is abundant. The stream runs
through their land near their (Maquas) castle, but we could not ascend
it on account of the heavy freshet.

December 12. At three hours before daylight, we proceeded again,
and the savages that went with us would have left us there if I had
not noticed it; and when we thought of taking our meal we perceived
that their dogs had eaten our meat and cheese. So we had then only
dry bread and had to travel on that; and, after going for an hour, we
came to the branch that runs into our river and past the Maquas
villages, where the ice drifted very fast. Jeronimus crossed first,
with one savage in a canoe made of the bark of trees, because there
was only room for two; after that Willem and I went over; and it was
so dark that we could not see each other if we did not come close
together. It was not without danger. When all of us had crossed, we
went another league and a half and came to a hunter's cabin, which
we entered to eat some venison, and hastened farther, and after another
half league we saw some Indians approaching; and as soon as they
saw us they ran off and threw their sacks and bags away, and fled
down a valley behind the underwood, so that we could not see them.
We looked at their goods and bags, and took therefrom a small [loaf
of] bread. It was baked with beans, and we ate it. We went farther,
and mostly along the aforesaid kill that ran very swiftly because
of the freshet. In this kill there are a good many islands, and on the
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