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Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664 by Unknown
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so we went to the castle again. This one had a big fire lighted, and
a fat haunch of venison cooked, of which we ate. he gave us two
bearskins to sleep upon, and presented me with three beaver skins.
In the evening Willem Tomassen, whose legs were swollen from
the march, had a few cuts made with a knife therein, and after
that had them rubbed with bear grease. We slept in this house, at
heartily of pumpkins, beans and venison, so that we were not hungry,
but were treated as well as is possible in their land. We hope that all
will succeed.

December 14. Jeronimus wrote a letter to our commis (factor),
Marten Gerritsen, and asked for paper, salt, and atsochwat--that
means tobacco for the savages. We went out to shoot turkeys
with the chief, but could not get any. In the evening I bought a
very fat one for two hands of seewan. The chief cooked it for us,
and the grease he mixed with our beans and maize. This chief
showed me his idol; it was a male cat's head, with the teeth sticking
out; it was dressed in duffel cloth. Others have a snake, a turtle, a
swan, a crane, a pigeon, or the like for their idols, to tell the fortune;
they think they will always have good luck in doing so. From here
two savages went with their skins to Fort Orange.

December 15. I went again with the chief to hunt turkeys, but
could not get any; and in the evening the chief again showed us
his idol, and we resolved to stay here for another two or three
days till there should be an opportunity to proceed, because all the
footpaths had disappeared under the heavy snowfalls.

December 16. After midday a famous hunter came here named
Sickarus, who wanted very much that we should go with him to
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