The Diary of William Bray: extracts by William Bray
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his death to his grandson Edward, who lived at Shere, and died in
1866, at the age of 72. EXTRACTS 1756, Jan. 1st.--Called on Miss Stevens {2} this morning. With Mr. Boughton and Shotter to Mr. Shrubb's at Shalford, to spend the evening. We played at loo, came home a little after 11. 7th.--Drank tea at Mrs. Westbrook's. Mr. and Mrs. Fortery there: they played at quadrille. I went home for an hour, and went again, played and supped there. Home a little before 12. 9th.--Carried Mr. Haydon his appointment as a Trustee of the Turnpike; he gave me 5s. After the meeting the trustees went to Mr. P. Flutter's; {3} they sent for me about 8, to play at cards. {4} I played at whisk with Mr. Flutter, Mr. J. Martyr, and Mrs. Flutter: won every game. Home about one; won 3s. 6d. 10th.--Mr. Duncumb {5} dined here. He and I went to Mrs. Wilpley's, {6} but she not being at home, we went to the 'White Hart' and spent the evening, and supped there. 12th.--With Mr. Martyr in his postchaise to London, to Clare, and drank tea with him. To Drury Lane playhouse, but could not get in, so we went to the Robin Hood Society, and stayed till after 10. |